Earth Hour
Earth Hour: 28th March
Let’s turn those lights off
Switch off this Earth Hour
For one hour every year, there is a growing movement called Earth Hour. It started in Sydney in 2007 by WFF and partners, and is one of the largest grassroots movements for the environment.
Millions of people in over 180 countries take part, and 2020 is a key year to drive environmental conversations and actions forward. But it needs your support. This year due to covid19, it is purely digital engangement so let’s get inventive!
The best thing about this movement, is that you don’t have to go to an event. You can join in from home. The organisers also have some great online group options here.
Between 8.30PM and 9.30PM local time, the aim is to switch off all lights to show love and support for the planet we live on. There are some truly wonderful natural sights in the world, and incredible wildlife - we need to preserve them for future generations. It also doesn’t just have to be limited to 1 hour. Why not have a candle lit games evening online with friends? Or have a candlelit dinner in your home and send a pic to your friends and family about what you are up to?
So go on, grab some candles, have a discussion with close friends and family and set a comittment to make a planet positive change for the future, starting with Earth Hour.
Simple ideas for this could be;
Walk or cycle to work vs public transport or driving
Turn lights off earlier / reduce the lights on in the house
Drink tap water where safe vs bottled water
Buy plastic free more in the weekly shop
Reduce the number of online orders made
Meal plan and use leftovers
Switch off TV and electronics from the main plug
Have a candle light convo evening once a week with no TV. Beeswax or soy candles are good for this
Reduce the amount of meat and sign up to 1 or 2 days a week meat and dairy free
Make cards at home instead of buying them
Don’t buy wrapping paper but use what you have in the house
If you have any other ideas, please let me know, I would love to hear them.
For more information about Earth Hour and how to take part, check out the official site here.
In the meantime, let’s switch off this Earth Hour and appreciate the natural beauty our world has to offer. I kmow I will make time to look up at the stars and be thankful that I am here.
Simply Sustainable Ideas x