reducing waste as a parent
Welcome to my page dedicated to tips to reduce waste around having babies / children!
I am a fairly new parent and I knew reducing my waste as a new mum would be important. The biggest impact we have on our planet is giving birth. I think this is a difficult and tricky topic to navigate with everything going on though, and while it was a struggle I had mentally, I am happy to say that I got through it and will focus on teaching my son to grow up with planet conscious decisions, resources and thoughts.
My hubby needed convincing about a few of my ideas, but I am using this page to share some wins that worked for us. You don’t have to be perfectly zero waste. You can just try. And hopefully some of these stick and work for you. Oh, and I heard the term cruncy parent (comes from making homemade granola and other things), and I thought yes, that’s me! So I’m using it and loving it!
Just remember, every change is a win. Good luck! And please feel free to let me know what works for you.
REusable wipes
This is my top win, and even my husband is on board. The amount of waste we have saved, as well as money saved, plus knowing no nasty chemicals are on my baby’s bottom make this my number one recommendation.
Planet Friendly NAPPIES
Disposable vs biodegradable vs reusable. I’ve gathered the information together so you can make an informed decision about how to capture those wees and poos!
reusable nappies care instructions
I cannot rave enough about reusable nappies. But you need to look after them. Download my care instructions for FREE to help keep them clean and going strong
There are SO many toys out there. But what is the impact of those flashing lights, batteries and plastic? And are there ways to reduce the sheer number of toys in the house?
amazing kid friendly companies
I am growing this content at the moment and aim to share fantastic info about companies and people really helping make this space fun and environmentally conscious.