Mother Earth
I love you, Mother Earth
I love your vibrant colours, your life, your zest
Your wisdom, sounds and hope everyday for a brighter future
I truly believe you are the best
I want to do more for you, Mother Earth
I want to help get you back to your former beauty
I want to change my focus to giving instead of taking
And to stop buying everything in sight; but instead building and making
I need to support you, Mother Earth
I need to focus on circular and not linear
I need to remember that love conquers and to not give into hate
I should work better with you, Mother Earth
I should try to be more in sync with your needs
To be more aware of your inhabitants and help them
Whether they be on land, in waters or high in the sky
I have to make changes, Mother Earth
I have to uphold the above
I have to give hope to my future children
I have to give hope to my children’s future
I will do better, Mother Earth
I will be better
Because I love this planet, Mother Earth
And I will always love this land, the seas, the skies
Today, tomorrow, forever