Follow the adventures of a team of super kids fighting to save Terra, Mother Earth, from the pesky Bill McGreedy and his band of Eco Squashers. From characters such as Recycling Romesh and Danny Do Gooder to Single-Use Sally and the Toxic Twins, there will be a series of stories to tackle every day environmental issues in a fun, informative, engaging and memorable way.
But the Squad needs YOU to join them! They even have a special title for those fighting for Terra - Saplings! Why Saplings? Well, they may start small but "from a small seed, a mighty trunk may grow" (Aeschylus).
The squad doesn’t just talk the talk - they walk the walk too! The adventures embrace the UNs Sustainability Goals by hitting goal 4 (Quality Education) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) as well as educating about additional goals.
The UK printer company used is one of the greenest in the country (Ashley House).
Books will be printed with vegetable based litho ink on FSC approved paper using green energy
100 copies of each adventure will be donated to Eco Schools UK
50p per order* shipped will go towards to projects with Carbon Footprint to offset emissions
50p from books sold* will also be donated to a charity / not for profit working to help combat the topic in each story
Adventure One will donate 50p per copy to Keep Britain Tidy for UK versions sold. Currently books have UK specific tips but this is being expanded and books suitable for US and worldwide will be coming.
*Donations to charities and Carbon Footprint will come from books sold and paid for, and not those given away for free.